Our little Johnny is weighing in at 16 pounds, 3 ounces, stretching out to 27 inches long, and is carrying around a head that measures 18 1/4 inches around! His weight is around the 25th percentile, his height around the 50th and his head is above the 90th percentile! This little dude has a big ol' noggin! No wonder some of his clothes have trouble fitting over his head!
There's not much else to report about his doctor's visit. He got another round of shots which he handled fairly well, and other than that he's good to go until 9 months where he'll have another check-up.
At 6 and a half months Johnathan still hasn't mastered sitting up all by himself, though he does do it with some support. He rolls over like a champ though, and can wriggle around on his tummy to get where he wants to go. He enjoys playing with his toys in his pack'n'play, jumping in his jumperoo, playing on his tummy on the floor, eating a variety of veggies, goofing around with Mommy and Daddy...especially with Daddy, watching his doggie, BoBo, and he also really loves watching his Petting Farm DVD! He loves watching the TV...I'm not sure if that's good or not, but it does calm him down if he's fussy, and 9 times out of 10 it makes him fall asleep within minutes, so that's nice!
Oh, another thing that he's NOT doing at 6 months is sleeping through the night. His little body is on a very dependable clock that strikes every 3 hours, 24 hours a day telling him he's hungry! So, when I put him down for the night around 9 pm I can count on him waking around midnight, 3 am, 6 am and then he's up for good usually between 8-9 am! Needless to say this makes Mommy a little tired, but that's what my morning cup of coffee is for! I will have to admit that I kind of enjoy our little rendezvous during the night. It's a sweet time for us, and I will miss them when he does start to sleep through the night...but oh, that sleep will be sweet too! :)
Thanks for keeping tabs on us and our sweet little boy! Love y'all!
four things | nineteen
3 days ago
He's getting to be a big boy!
Hi Grace –
I’m an old high-school friend of Aaron’s and I’ve been a lurker on your blog here for a while now. Your little boy is adorable!
My little girl, Caedyn, is now 15 months and she still doesn’t completely sleep through the night. We’re down to one, sometimes two, wakings during the night now though. And she’s easy to put back down – but yes – I think some kiddoes just take a bit longer to meet that milestone. (And – I’m a softy – I can’t bear to let her cry . . . )
Anyhow – just wanted to share. :-)
Wish you guys lived closer – I’d try to make us meet up. Maybe one of these days!
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