...Johnathan - 1, Mommy - 0! Whoever taught Johnny to play, sure taught him well!
Baby J. got really sleepy around 8:3o this evening, so I picked him up off his play mat, and started our night-time ritual. Diaper change, dress for bed, read story, nurse, pray, rock, sleep. Or at least that is how it's supposed to go. Well, it's almost 10:30 now, and after crying off and on for an hour and a half, Johnathan is fully awake, and now Mommy is tired! I finally quit playing our little game of "tug-of-war" and got him out of bed, only to rock him some more and put him into his swing, hoping it would lull him to sleep. He's swinging in the middle of the living room in the semi dark while I sit here typing. Hoping that he's started to fall asleep I look over at him, and what do I see? Two big bright brown eyes gazing at me, and a HUGE smile behind that ever present pacifier! I think that he knows that he "won", and he's basking in the glory.
(He's still smiling at me, a very mischievous kind of smile!)
four things | nineteen
2 days ago