...well, if you do, don't give any to Johnathan! We just received a call from his doctor today with the allergy test results. Apparently he has a severe milk allergy. When I spoke with the nurse before Dr. Cortes called me, she said that a normal range is 0-11 (0-11 what I don't know, but anyways), and she said that Johnathan's results came back 213!!! Quite above anything "normal" and enough to have the good doctor himself call me to give us a heads up as to what we need to be aware of. I just love Johnathan's doctor! He is extremely helpful and goes above and beyond the call of duty. He's just great!
Anyways, we are now armed with 2 EpiPen Jr's, and we also have several doses of Benadryl that we'll be keeping with us at all times. It looks like Johnathan will get to enjoy the yumminess of soy milk instead of cow's milk. And I'll get to read all the food labels from now on to make sure that I don't give him anything on the no-no list. Life sure does stay interesting, that's for sure!
Okay, now I seriously have to go pack for our trip tomorrow! Can't wait to see those of you who will be at the end of our journey!!! Love y'all!!!
four things | nineteen
2 days ago
Oh my goodness!! Poor Johnathan! I remember having to carry an Epipen for a student on field trips when I taught school. I am glad you found this out early!!
Oh poor baby, my niece is allergic to milk as well but rice milk is delicious much better than the tasting of soy milk though, that's what my niece prefers over soy though and so does my Mom! If we had goat's milk or you were closer that's good for milk allergies too.
Wow..wonder if it's something he'll grow out of..??
Poor baby! Even thoug Ava is not allergic to milk I still give her rice milk!...She loves it! It is loaded will all the nutrients she needs! ....I took her off of cow's milk because of some other issues. Happy label reading.
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