Yesterday was just one of those days where I needed a drink...of coffee that go-to drink when I need to relax and just chill out a bit. I think sometimes that I could survive off of that liquid alone, I simply love it, but I realize that I need some actual plain water in my diet...especially since I'm preggo at the I limit myself to one cup of joe a day...unless I'm really frazzled or worn out, then I allow myself an extra mug-full...and yesterday was one of those I-really-want-to-pull-out-my-hair days.
Taking care of myself the best that I can I've tried not to leave the house too much unless it's really necessary, but staying home a lot tends to wear on my nerves, and a bit of cabin fever has set in lately. So, thinking that the outdoors would do me (and Johnathan) and bit of good, we decided to take a walk around the block. It is fun to see life through a child's eyes...and little sticks, seed pods, rocks, leaves and other various items that were scattered along our walk became prized possessions to Johnathan who gathered them with reckless abandon. His little hands held tightly to his treasures until he found something better, and then rocks and seeds would fly as he threw them away as quickly as possible to grab another handful of nature's goodies.
After being gone for about 30 minutes or so it was time to come home...which was not something that Johnathan wanted to do. He ran into several people's yards as I tried to get him to actually obey me without putting up a fuss. He is getting really fast when he runs, and I actually have to jog to keep up with him---which is not something that I'm supposed to do in my current "condition" I was getting frustrated because he would NOT listen to me, and even gave me his very defiant little look that told me that he didn't care what I was saying, and that he wanted to do what he wanted...not what mommy wanted. Needless to say we probably looked a scene as I tried to get him under control---which didn't really happen. He was going crazy, and I was frustrated...mostly because I felt like I was overexerting myself to keep him from running out into the street as he tried to get away from me. Ugh! The joys of parenting!
After we finally managed to get home it was straight to nap-time for Monkey (after some disciplinary action!), and then straight to making coffee for me as I tried to gather my sanity. I realize that moments like Monkey's meltdown yesterday are inevitable during child rearing, but they sure aren't fun.
Today is going better...I think. Johnathan has a very independent little spirit, and although I know that it will be a wonderful quality when it's channeled in the right direction, it sure is tough right now as we're in the early stages of trying to get him to see that mommy and daddy know best, and that he needs to obey us because we're only looking out for what's best for him.
On a happy note, I am starting to teach Johnathan to count from 1-10 and we're also going over the alphabet. He really likes it so far and keeps asking for "more, more" when I'm going through our flash cards. His intellect has really been blooming lately, so Aaron and I thought it would be a great time to introduce him to some of the foundational building blocks of learning. He is loving puzzles these days, and we're going to have to get him some more advanced ones. Also, he has mastered where to put the right shapes in his wooden blocks box. He is also really enjoying reading and his favorite new word is "car!" We're also working on animal sounds---he's got the dog's bark and the cat's meow down pat, so we're moving onto more. One activity that I thought he would enjoy more is coloring, but he isn't that interested in sitting down to do that! We do his flash cards right after lunch, when his belly is full---and while he's still strapped in his high chair! Haha! He likes it though, for at least 5-10 minutes, and then he's ready to go play. I'll take whatever I can get!
I'm off to "relax" while Johnathan attempts to take his nap! See ya later!
four things | nineteen
2 days ago
Sounds like you're a busy bee! I'll pray that God will strengthen you as you go through these types of "days" when you feel like going bald. On the other hand, it's great to see that J is learning so much! He's a smart kid! He's my of course!
Love you,
Those days are few and far in between, but with an almost 2 year old (I forget how old he is), they happen. Zoe is 2.5 and she's getting a little sassy. One of the best things that she responds to is to not yell at her. That's hard to do when my patience is thinner than a sheet of ice in Arkansas. But if I take her hands, make her look at me in the face, and talk in a really low tone and a serious voice, she usually complies. If I do that, she gets a choice. She can either obey me then or get a time out (or spanking depending on the infraction) and then obey. Only a handful of times has she failed to comply with me at that point. If not, then she gets the time out or spanking and then has always compied at that point. Just a suggestion...I know all kids are different, but maybe that will help now that he's getting bigger. Of course it works well with Zoe now b/c she talks a lot and can tell me "I'm going to obey".
I can totally relate to you about the little independent spirited child! Addy can be such a challenge at times because she is going through that stage where discipline is starting to be necessary and it can be so hard! But when I snuggle up and rock her at night there is nothing sweeter and it makes you realize that it is all worth it even though there will be many battles! I hope you can relax and enjoy your pregnancy!! I can't imagine going through pregnancy and raising a little one as well! I know everyone does it so I guess it is easier than I can imagine!
Hi Grace!
Congratulations! You are just as beautiful now as you were when you were a little girl! Your son is adorable!
We received your blog address in your parent's Christmas Card.
We have a new grandson who was born on Jan. 27, 2010. Our son Mike and his wife Megan welcomed their baby boy, Broden Michael Davis, 7 lbs. 6 oz., 20.5 inches long. Mom and baby are healthy and doing well.
I am sending you best wishes and prayers Sweetheart!
Take care,
Connie Moore
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