I got a call today at noon from my brother asking if he could drop by...well of course!!! He had just landed at DFW which just so happens to be fairly close to our home. Yay!!! I told the boys that "Uncle Brosky" was coming over and they both shouted for joy and started running around excitedly...it was pretty cute! I also gave Aaron a quick text to see if he could join us for lunch in between his morning and afternoon patients. Uncle Brosky (Grant), is a much loved person by us...he is my favorite brother, after all (*wink*)...and having a chance to get to hang out with him is always a blessing. We had a wonderful time together and the little dudes especially had fun building (and wrecking) train tracks and block castles with their beloved Uncle Grant.
Have you ever noticed how cheery the early morning songs from birds are? I never really noticed it until a few weeks ago when I heard a sweet little bird singing out in the early morning hours. I realized that I hadn't heard that simple melody in several months since it's winter, technically speaking, here in Texas. And all of a sudden I realized what I'd been missing, or have just been overlooking, for so long. The sweet, simple, happy chirps from our little feathered friends are so cheerful, and really do plant a little happy seed in my heart.
So, to cultivate little bits of the simple joys in life, the boys and I have tried to encourage some little birdies to come and visit our side yard. We've added some feeders with different types of food, a little watering station, a bird house and that's just the beginning. We've already succeeded in having a little sparrow couple frequent one of our feeders. We all love watching them eat and are already in need of refilling their food!
Here's to life's simple pleasures! Have a great Thursday, y'all!
Okay, so all of y'all know about my obsession with candles, right? Well over Christmas break my sis Gloria and I were talking about our dreams for the future. We talked (and laughed!) over things we wanted to start or do with our lives. Our discussion was lively and ended up pulling in the rest of the Pittman siblings, and in the end we all shared our dreams and hopes for the future.
One of my "dreams" if you will was to begin making my own candles since I love using them so much. And a few weeks after Christmas I started researching candle making and made my first purchase of supplies. I decided to go with Soy wax for many reasons...Sustainable, U.S. Grown (my suppliers grower at least), Biodegradable and sort of the "In" thing right now. Anyways, for the last month+ I've been candle-making and trying to come up with my "perfect candle"...and boy, there is a lot to it...wax/fragrance oil ratio, proper wick size for various jar sizes, figuring out the right heat temp and pour temp for the different waxes, calculating burn rate, etc. There is a lot more to this candle creating thing than I first thought, but I am loving learning all about it.
So, that brings me to the point of this post! Since I love making and creating candles (and jewelry and other items) I thought why not open up an Etsy shop where I can share some of my favorite things...for a small price I might add(!)...with other people looking to buy quality, hand-crafted goods. I can't say this is the first time I've wanted to offer some of my creations for sale...in the past I've sold jewelry (Ruby Moon Designs) via local gift shops in the town we used to live in and briefly offered it up online...but I have so many (too many) things that I love to create so I decided to branch out from offering up just jewelry and will be displaying a wider variety of things for sale. Mostly this is just so I can keep on creating without building up too much stuff, haha! :)
If you want to check it all out, please feel free to visit me at my new shop on Etsy, Grace Note Gifts or at my new blog where I'll post updates on my latest creations. As of now there aren't any listings up yet on Etsy, but they should be up within the next week or so!
Last week I was super stressed out mid-week due to Johnathan having some asthma issues. Most of the time when my boys are sick I am okay...ear infections, strep, allergies and the common cold don't phase me like they used to, but every once in a while I am seized by fear when something more "serious" happens with their health.
Tuesday evening/Wednesday were the worst for Johnathan and thus my worry, which I let run rampant, got the better of me. Thursday morning I sat down to do my quiet time (the first time I'd done it last week) and the verse for my devotional was this one: Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7...Coincidence, I think not! The whole devo was about bringing Jesus our anxious thoughts...something I am bad about...and trusting Him with our troubles. I have to admit this is one area I really struggle with, so the verse and subsequent encouraging words throughout the devotional were more than timely.
Here are a few words of wisdom from my devotional (taken from His Victorious Indwelling, Feb. 16th devo).
"One finds constantly that ninety percent of our trials and sorrows are made up of anticipated or imaginary evils, which only exist in our disordered, unbelieving minds." -Food for the Desert
"You would not be easily startled by events if you saw all that you have in Christ to enable you to meet everything calmly." -George V. Wigram
"You ought to begin your day with this confidence, that you have enough in Christ to meet every difficulty that may befall you." -J.B. Stoney
I wanted to write this post mainly to remind myself to continually cast my cares and anxiety on Jesus. Eli is sick this week with RSV (yuck!) so I have the perfect opportunity to give my cares to the One who can give me true peace!
This past week was a full one...almost every day was super busy and we had a bunch of fun even amidst some stress (my stress-everyone else was super!).
Monday was spent getting things ready for Valentine's Day...Johnathan had a party at school and we were the ice-cream bringers...mostly so I could pick out his own special, dairy-free ice cream and label it properly so his teachers would give only that to him.
Tuesday morning we did our own little Valentine's with the boys...I even let them eat a piece of candy before breakfast, shame-shame on me!...and then Johnathan went to have fun at his Valentine's party at school while Eli and I went to grab something for Aaron. Tuesday afternoon and evening Johnathan started having asthma trouble (the stress-maker for me, I HATE when the boys have breathing issues). Aaron and I had a low-key evening...we made creme brulee, gave each other our Valentine's letters and called it a good day!
Wednesday morning Johnathan woke up in full-blown asthma attack and so we started him on his treatment. Luckily the meds started to work by noon so we hopped over to spend some time with my sweet sisters Gaily and Gwenny. Gwen hosted a wonderful get-together for us moms with our boys.
Thursday was spent getting ready to host a dear family from our church. We had them over for a wonderful time of eating and fellowship. Their 3 kiddos were super sweet and the visit was just about as pleasant as it could be!
Friday was a restful day more or less. We ran a few errands and just hung out around the house mostly.
Saturday we spent running a few more errands in preparation for hosting a b-day party for my sweet sis Gwen. The house was already in party mode after hosting our church friends Thursday so preparing for Gwenny was a cinch! I did add a few pink touches around our home in the form of some simple flowers to add a festive touch!
And today, well it's been a day of rest. Here are some pics from the week...yeah, I went a little flower crazy with it...it's not often that we have pink in our home and the girl in me enjoyed it! Haha!
About a week ago I was just heading out from our street when I spied an adorable chair in someones trash pile. The garbage truck was scheduled to come that day and I couldn't risk such a cute chair ending up in the dump, so I grabbed it up knowing I could do something with it. When I got it home I realized that the seat was missing (probably why it was in the trash pile), but no matter, I had an idea in mind. After discovering it was painted with a paint that would not withstand the outdoor weather I outfitted in with some indoor/outdoor paint similar to it's original color. For the missing seat I simply painted a piece of plywood that I found laying around in our garage...and it was already the perfect size, score! I picked up the cute flowers sign at World Market and the pots and herbs/flowers I got at Home Depot. There is still some work that needs to go into our little side "yard", but I am happy with this small improvement...such a happy place to look at now, although I'll be switching out the plants pretty soon for some that prefer more shade. Looks cute for now tho, doesn't it?!!
Yesterday we had a fun sister & sons day that my sweet sister, Gail, hosted. During the course of the afternoon the boys decided they wanted to climb trees, and even though Eli was a bit too little to do it by himself he still wanted to join in on the fun, so I propped him up in the tree. Looking at those 4 little Tarzan boys in the tree was beyond priceless, and I had to capture the moment. Aren't they just precious?!!
Thanks, Gaily and Coley-Woley for hosting such a fun day yesterday!
Johnathan, Eli & Ardena are honey to my soul, and continue to wrap me around their sticky little fingers. With the non-stop action in our hive this Queen Bee is one busy mama! These are the stories of what goes on in our sweet little honey-comb home!
I am a proud wife to the love of my life, Aaron, and a happy mom to 6 blessings...Gideon, Daniel, our two Angel Babies in Heaven with the Lord, and to Johnathan & Eli, and Ardena, our precious children here on earth.