Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blog Alert! The Proverbs 31 Woman Challenge - Day 5

*Another post, which, yes you guessed it, can be found here originally!*

Yesterday was another good challenge day, and I got my desk all organized, worked on a neglected project and spent quality time with my sweet boys. I'm not saying that I have things 100% put together around here, there are still dishes in the sink, and somehow the laundry grew into another load needing to be washed, but I am content with the state of my home. There is a lot of love floating around here right now, and if that means that the dishes stay dirty just a little longer, then that's okay with me.

She extends her hand to the poor,

Yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy.

She is not afraid of snow for her household,

For all her household is clothed with scarlet. -Proverbs 31:20&21

Sometimes we get so busy in our own little environment that we forget to look out for the needs of those beyond our front door. I agree that our home life and caring for the needs within our family must be our first priority, but it is also good to look beyond ourselves and to see the needs of those around us who may not have the same resources that we do to care for themselves.

We don't get snow around these parts (well, it did snow one time several years back which was a huge phenomenon!) but my family can still be clothed well---and on a tight budget too! You don't have to spend a gazillion dollars for you family to be "clothed with scarlet!" Okay, for today's challenges...

Challenge - Day 5

-Make a point to see if there are any items around your home that aren't getting any use that someone else could be in real need of. Bag whatever you find a make a stop at whatever organization you please that will use your leftovers to help those less fortunate. Several weeks ago I took about 8 big trash bags full of clothes and other items to Goodwill. I had originally planned on doing a garage sale, but that never panned out, and I have to admit that it did feel really good to be able to donate my unused stuff to help people who are trying to get back on their feet, or folks who just can't afford to buy things new---OR to bargain hunters (like me!) who want a good deal! :) There are so many ways that we can help "the poor" and "needy"...monetary donations, donations of time & energy (clean up programs, soup kitchens, etc). Whatever God is prompting you to do, do it! Also, I just received an e-mail from Focus on the Family telling of
this event. I have a heart for these little ones who certainly need someone to stand up for them and reach out and help them. Check out this link for more info.

-Evaluate the clothing needs of your family and make a plan to remedy any wardrobe blanks. And no, it doesn't have to be "scarlet", but it does have to be season appropriate! And you can be smart about where you shop too. Just a couple of weeks ago I went to a local children's resale shop here. I had previously dropped off some stuff to sell to them, and out of a huge laundry basket full of stuff, they decided that they could only use about 12 items! No worries, I just donated the rest. I chose to get store credit for the items that they purchased from me...about 13 bucks...and I decided to do my son's fall clothes shopping right then and there. I came home with a jacket and pant set, the cutest pair of Levi's jeans you've ever seen, and about 6 long sleeve shirts. Combined with a few things I had already bought (on sale!) at a different clothing store, I have my son outfitted for fall/winter for less than 40 bucks! eBay is also a great way to buy kid's clothes---there are a lot of new items too for a fraction of the original (probably overpriced) cost!

Okay, just to break it down a bit more simply---look to how you can help the needy & look at your own family's clothing needs and do something about it! Easy cheesy!

Alrighty, I'm off to continue looking to the needs of my family and those around me! Have a great Thursday, y'all!!!


My son in his cute lil' Levi's and "new" to him shirt! Great outfit for just a few bucks!

1 comment:

Kayla said...

Hey girl,
I love what you are doing here! We all need to be challenged on our role as a wife and mother! I have been seeking the Lord in my intentions of being at home...are they purposeful in what the Lord has called me to do, or do I do my daily tasks with selfish intentions! ....I have been following you here! Keep it up!
Love ya